Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kruger national park, South Africa

I've just come back from a 3 week holiday in South Africa and Mozambique after a 3 month stint working in the south african region - mainly Zimbabwe.

First stop was Kruger National Park in South Africa. Its huge - bigger than many countries.

I only spent a day there...but it was amazing. Spotted four of the "big 5" - including the elusive leopard. Our guide was amazing as we staked out part of the reserve and then moved to the tarred road to watch the magnificent animal slowly and gracefully cross the road into another part of the park.

The prehistoric-looking rhino....spotted walking towards two cheetahs eating some prey

The cheetahs kept looking up every few minutes to make sure no other animals were stalking them while they were busy eating their prey

There were lots of really beautiful birds too...

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